
后继EssexAgincourt2015年10月31日星期六档案管理员Katharine Schofield写下Essex贵族参战摘要

阿京考特战役Crispin日1415年10月25日。它也许是百年大战中最有名的战役,当时英军数超数击败法军,英剑弓手为击败法军作出了决定性贡献。线程世纪威廉莎士比亚戏剧亨利五世由Michael Drayton写作公平为法国挡风C.1605

威尔士王储Henry V1413年继承父亲HenryIVI不久后,他努力组建一支法国军队,并恢复曾祖父Edward III对法国王室的要求。 1414年12月,议会批准他对法军课税。 HenryV及其军队1415年8月13日登陆北法




死在Harfleur的有Michaeldela波兰2后端苏福克伯爵和甘汉和内瑟大厅主华府arel 一个月后死在Agincourt

与Essex关联的另一人Lewis John是Harfleur废房中的一员1416-1417和1420-1422刘易斯约翰爵士1442年去世时拥有数县土地,包括西图罗克州和埃塞克斯州东洪顿州

亨利五世只从一个城镇中取出所有花在一支军队的钱,亨利五世不愿返回英国,因此出发前往加莱英国卫士队,重新确认他对北法土地的遗传主张。法军无法救Harfleur现在准备面对英军。 亨利军因病弱化,食物供应不足,二半周内行进260里,但不愿延迟战斗,万一法军能带更多援军

双向对立法军先进时,他们被困泥土并沉浸英国弓箭手的致命火力中,无法推进英军,法军死难者中包括法警和上将、王室大师和Brabant公爵、Alençon和Bar等。 约1500贵族被带回英国,包括Charles、Orbon公爵、Jean Le Maingre法警和Eu伯爵

战斗本身很少立即实现 。 Henry继续向加来进军后回归英国 。然而,如此多法国贵族败死或抓捕意味着当Henry1417返回时,他能够攻占法国北部的城镇和城堡



In 1420 the Treaty of Troyes was signed.  Henry married Katherine, daughter of Charles VI of France and was declared the regent and heir of the king.  Henry's triumph was short-lived.  He died in 1422 leaving his nine month old son Henry VI as king.  He was crowned king of England in 1429 and king of France at Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris in 1431.  However, Charles VI's son Charles VII was able to regain French territory, and by 1453 English possessions in France were reduced to Calais.  Henry VI was ultimately to lose his throne to Edward IV in the Wars of the Roses.

数位埃塞克斯贵族从他们的国土上将人教化成国王大军中的一部分。 很可能不仅贵族们,而且部分随行者也会从县里来。 一位大主是Richard Beauchamp,Warwick伯爵,Drayton在战斗中描述为 '华威克流鲜血.虽然他的土地多在别处,但他是Walthostow园主

理查德维尔11线程牛津伯爵几乎同国王同龄,他们都为理查二世服务页数。线程Edward III统治时曾在Crécy和Poitiers战斗过。他提供39名士兵和60名弓箭手参加战事,并命令后方从Harfleur进军,并担任战斗要员,抓获Jean,Sire de Ligne。Drayton写道 :牛津大学 残酷屠宰1416年5月成为加特骑士,取代约克杜克Edward 1417年逝世并葬在厄尔斯科恩



布尔契尔家族始发Halstead和Seble Hedingham,在百年大战期间多次对抗法国人;威廉布尔契尔爵士,艾塞克斯治安官,在Agincourt和1417远征中参战;继承Little Eston、Broxted和Aythorpe Roding土地,继承母Eleanor de Lovayne并同时是Wix园主;1419年Henry V以Eu伯爵的称号奖励他在法国服务

汉弗莱 6线程菲茨瓦尔特勋爵16岁时阵亡。他的弟弟和继承者威廉在Woodham Walter受洗,也在Agincourt参赛并参赛。他后年在法国继续参赛,1431年淹死返回英国。他葬在LittleDunmow

和阿金考特的诸位大王一样,数位Essex gentry也在战斗中参战。托马斯·埃尔平汉爵士指挥对战斗过程产生如此毁灭性影响的弓箭手。据说他向空中投下警棍并高呼`立即出击.........................................................................

Nicholas Thorley爵士为Henry兄弟Humphrey而战,Glocester公爵幸存并继续担任Essex14141432

东洪顿Heron Hall的John Tyrell爵士列席参赛,他是Glocester公爵视网膜的一部分。1423年他继续当Essex and Hertfordshire警长并担任Henry VI家司库。他与LittleCogshall William de Cogeshall爵士的女儿和同母

Waldegrave家族16岁时获取Navestock园主线程Richard Waldegrave爵士在Agincourt以10d服务托管Wormingford园备注分文/年支付看城堡费用服务对象包括Helitens Bumpstead的Robert Helyon六叉子和三架弓箭手和Monternessing的William Mountnei爵士John Hevenyngham爵士,小Totham主机Eastwood机场和Sutton和Goldhanger机场

Richard de Waldegrave封印

密封贴D/DayT1/13左向右emin新月尾巴传说,Solu'm deohorcegloriaWaldegrave臂章传说 S'Ricadi de Waldegrave



中世纪专家Katharine Schofi加入我们查更多英国华波社EssexAgincourt2015年10月31日星期六联合事件Essex历史协会分支中所有细节都可查找.

英国射手使用长弓也许是百年大战和中世纪大战最重要的发展之一。 长弓对英国1340年Sluys大战的胜利产生决定性和毁灭性效果,Crécy 1346年,Poitiers 1356年和Agincourt1415年

Ian CootEnglishWorbow学会

Ian Coote英语Warbow学会使用传统英语wow并深入了解他们在埃塞克斯艾根考特 百年大战中扮演何等重要角色

长波发自威尔士,12世纪和13世纪入侵时被用来对抗英语。 12世纪威尔士老手Gerald描述英国人如何被威尔士弓箭手击败:

直穿大腿高举,腿内外用铁瓜保护它,然后穿过皮塔尼卡的座位接下去它深入. 马鞍. seat最终它嵌入马中 深入驾驶 杀死动物.

长弓致命效果意味着它很快嵌入英国力量中。长弓大小5至7尺[1.5-2.1米],通常由yw制成,但从灰木树、elm树和其他树木也可以使用。 弓手可射半英哩并击下骑士马。 弓手可一分向上射12支箭,但通常平均六支箭头。 箭头长约3尺,小技巧设计破链信


Archery practice remained a source of potential danger.  The Essex Assizes held in August 1579 recorded the indictment of John Pollyn of Little Oakley who on 28 June with other young men at the butts in the parish had shot Thomas Downes, aged 16, in the left eye leaving him with a wound 3 inches deep of which he died the following day.  In 1581 an inquest at Barking on Henry Fawcett, aged 19 recorded that a fisherman John Redforde accidentally shot Fawcett on the right side of his head to the depth of an inch while he was standing near the butts.  Fawcett died from the wound a week later.  The cause of death was recorded as ‘By misfortune' [misadventure].


富人和穷人都习惯在游戏中实践射箭术 — — 众所周知,高荣誉和利润来到了我们王国,而我们在战争式企业中无小利可言.同一个国家的每一个人,如果体格强健,在节假日都得使用弓箭.并学习并实践射箭术


by 15线程世纪射法仍然被认为如此重要,因此引入立法确保设备随时可用1472法要求每个商家进口品都带四叉子14831484中十块'好'前排要导入每块酒 1503年从六尺以上前排结关费取消 yew最优价格定为三4d1482/3


1574年ColchesterBorough记录中载有Thomas Worrell、Fletcher和John Gamage向法警下命令副本,Essex委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委5月3日并因此未执行集合'(D/B5R7f.183r184r.]

Mark Stretton英国Warbow学会制箭头

Mark Stretton英国Warbow学会制箭头

城镇和村庄都会有射手屁股实践。Colchester的Butt Lane据说取名自它引向该镇屁股的事实。Chelmsford的Butt Field位于今天由Towlfield街和火车站覆盖的D/B3/3/292

John Walkershellmsford图解析布特域(D/DMP1)

John Walkershellmsford图解析布特域(D/DMP1)

John WalkerMoursham地图摘要1591(2005)显示MourshamButt字段(D/DMP2)

John WalkerMoursham地图摘要1591(2005)显示MourshamButt字段(D/DMP2)


分贝馆账号摘自Maldon记录为1622年Butt Lane区制作新烟托的费用(D/B3/3/292(D/B3/3/292))。

Essex区分会议记录在1560年代、1570年代和1580年代都有许多例子报告屁股失修,Widford报告在Michaelmas1572(2004)、Ester1574、Epifani和Midshomer1575和Este1584课上,最后一次时间是中夏修复或支付5小Waltham在1572(2004)和1577年报告,Willingale西班牙1574、1575和1580年报告,Grays Thurrock园主和租户于1580年提交,罪名是“方便地缺屁股”。

教区下课前(3个月)修复屁股或面对罚款相当常见。 Aveley面临13s罚款4d1566 NorthOckendon罚款68d1576小康菲尔德12d1580. 1574. 丹伯里市报告,烟尾腐烂,Ambrose Madson为博弈击败了一个烟尾问题,虽然不维护修复烟尾问题常见,但Hindkford Hundred陪审团向1568年Michaelmas会议报告,Essex北部的Hinckford Hund

依据法律的要求,有数项遗书结为弓箭并不奇怪。 1529年马尔东的John Archare传承最佳二叉弓(D/ABW1/5)1588年西班牙大军George ArdlyeWeley丈夫把弓箭留给儿子Robert 。 最晚时Springfield磨坊主Richard Crowe把弓箭留给GreatBaddow的John Gibbs

威利George Ardlye(D/ABW2/75)

遗书摘自WeleyGeorge Ardlye, 将弓箭留给他儿子Robert, 1588年(D/ABW2/75)(D/ABW2/75)




下集纪念Agincourt战六百周年 Katharine Schofield调查一些文件,显示中世纪国王举军打百年战争深入了解Agincourt和EssexgentEssexAgincourt即2015年10月31日星期六一日会议联合事件Essex历史协会分支中所有细节都可查找.

After the Norman Conquest society and most importantly land-holding was arranged on a feudal basis.  William the Conqueror divided the English lands between his supporters, the tenants-in-chief named in the Domesday Book.  They held their lands directly from the king in return for military service, generally considered to be a maximum of 40 days a year.  In turn they rewarded their military supporters with land.  This process called subinfeudation continued down through the landholding classes to the knight at the bottom.  A knight's fee was sufficient land to support a single knight.  This would include the knight, his family and servants, as well as providing him with the means to provide horses and armour to perform his military service.

When a knight died without a male heir his lands could be divided between heiresses (and their husbands).  The knight's fee would be split into parts called moieties which owed fractions of a knight's service.  Since it is difficult to provide a fraction of a knight (at least before a battle), it gradually became customary for payment of scutage (literally shield money) to be made in place of military service.  In some cases a payment would be made because the land was too divided, in others the landowner might be too old or too young to fight.  The money would then be used to hire mercenaries to fight in wars.






早先的文件日期为1384年,是理查二世和同父异母Thomas Holland(D/DRG1/62)之间的协议,Earthl是城堡市长和瑟堡市长,并获4000英镑提供足够的卫士和大炮防守它。Earthl封印显示后方或白屏



Thomas Holland封印

The second (D/DL F15) is dated 8 February 1417 and is an agreement for Henry V's second campaign in France, following the siege of Harfleur and the Battle of Agincourt in 1415.  This campaign was one of successful conquest resulting in the Treaty of Troyes which made Henry V heir to the French throne, and arranged his marriage to Catherine de Valois, daughter of Charles VI of France.  It is an agreement made between the king and Sir Roger Fienes of Herstmonceux in Sussex.  Sir Roger was to supply 10 men-at-arms and 30 archers, 20 of whom had to be mounted.  The online medieval soldier databasewww.medievalsoldier.org列列士兵射手名 罗杰爵士视讯


Henry五世国王和Roger Fynes爵士1417年出游法国包括罗杰爵士服役期间负债的详细指令亨利五世第二次运动于1420年以特洛伊斯条约告终D/DLF15

契约具体说明所有条件,包括日工资支付-2罗杰爵士12D人手和6Dfor the archers.  It also agreed further payment, depending on the length of the campaign, the division of prisoners (the ransoms would bring reward) and other prizes that might be gained from the campaign.  Sir Roger was bound ‘to be with his said retinue well mounted armed and arrayed according to their estate at the port of the town of Southampton' on 1 May 1417.  It is likely that a knight such as Sir Roger would have had at least six different types of horses, including a war-horse for battle as well as pack-horses to carry his equipment, the men-at-arms four and the mounted archers one.  They would then be shipped overseas at the expense of the king.

Waging war in this way was an expensive business.  The need to finance the campaigns of the Hundred Years' War meant that Edward III and his successors had to summon Parliament more frequently to grant taxes to pay for the war.  The tax usually levied was called a fifteenth and tenth and was first introduced by King John and continued to the 17th century.  This was levied on movable goods and was at the rate of one fifteenth for rural areas and one tenth for urban areas and royal land.  In the 47th year of Edward III's reign (1373-1374), William Reyne, one of the bailiffs of the borough of Colchester proposed a means by which the burden of the tax on the burgesses could be reduced.  All men, both burgesses and ‘foreigners' [forinceci] (from outside the town) would pay the tenth.  In addition all ‘foreigners' outside the borough who traded within the town would also be assessed to pay the tenth, instead of the rural rate of the fifteenth.  This forced people of fairly modest means such as farmers, dealers and fishermen to pay at a higher rate than they might otherwise have expected.  It was obviously successful as they chose to use the same method the following year.

In addition the king also had the right of purveyance, which derived from feudalism.  This was the right to requisition goods and services for royal use, and was particularly used to feed and supply armies and garrisons.  It was a system that was open to abuse by the royal officers and was unpopular.  Both Edward III and Henry V used purveyance to equip their armies for France.  Despite these taxes, the kings had to turn to moneylenders, including Italian bankers, for extra finance.  In 1338 wool was shipped from Harwich to pay the Bardi (Florentine) financiers who had lent the king money.




以为自己被诅咒了 他们不在这里


莎士比亚HenryV表示 每一位英国人都希望 参加六百年前1415年10月25日英国绅士的脑海中 是什么?类似文件可以提供线索

1415年10月4日星期五开庭(D/DPr 67)更多关于庭院和记录.)


厄尔斯科尔内庄园科恩委大陆版盎格鲁-撒克逊语“earl”是牛津伯爵土地的一部分,理查德维尔11线程earl在Agincourt战役中扮演突出角色,提供39人手和60弓箭手参赛。 1416年5月他因被选为Garter骑士而得奖。次年他死后葬在Colne隐士




理查德维尔雕像 牛津11号伯爵 厄尔斯科尔

本庭仅在艾京法院战前三周开庭记录院士的日常事务,包括Richard Hoster罚款6d因为常见偷猎者窃听器内主warren和fishgarth九位妇女被罚款共23d破解ale和Cristina和Rose Mason大义3D课以罚款每人打破白面包大尺寸 算法物价 重量质量 拉尔夫普雷斯顿24d并割下两片橡树和灰树

土地事务是maoral业务的重要组成部分,记录中包括John Turner交出称为Berecroft的土地(后风机场)和Thomas Kelet、Robert Sebryght、John Bonjoon和Alice支付12d的罚款。JohnDunstele获准(罚款6d.)Hallegardyn对面一个叫Literreycroft(后Rycroft)的租房10年7年,Robert Mathew获罚款68s6d并失去了牛群,因为他们主张土地不属于牛津伯爵的假契或契约。 6月4日前法院继续这样做,发现契约日期为Edward III统治时,红色蜡封不到一岁(我们觉得需要进一步调查.)。

滚动与另外两份Essex文件一起展示 日期1415年EssexAgincourt2015年10月31日星期六.加入我们专家会谈英国史上最有名的一战-所有细节.



ERO中世纪专家Katharine Schofi读快速崩溃课程 本世纪跨中世纪冲突


百年战争持续从1337年持续到1453年(116年 ) 。 英国和法国间一系列战役 — — 有时被和平时期中断 — — 以控制法兰西王国。 除主要的英语战役外,小军有时派支持法兰西的英盟

Agincourt之战,从Chroniques d'Engerrand de Monstrrelet(15世纪初)通过Wikimedia公共域

In 1316 King Louis X of France died, leaving a daughter and no son.  At a time when power was derived largely from military might, an heir who was a daughter or an under-age son was considered to be disastrous.  The king's younger brother successfully claimed that women could not succeed to the French throne and followed his brother as Philip V.  He in turn left daughters and was succeeded by another brother Charles IV in 1322.  When Charles IV died in 1328 he again left a daughter and no son.  The closest male relative was his nephew Edward III, son of his sister Isabella, ‘the She-Wolf of France'.  Edward's claim was disputed as it was through his mother and instead Charles' cousin Philip, Count of Valois became Philip VI of France.

After gaining control of his kingdom from his mother and her reputed lover Roger Mortimer in 1330, Edward III initially waged war against Scotland.  Philip VI of France supported his allies the Scots against the English, threatening the remaining English lands in Gascony (the area to the south and east of Bordeaux).  This interference was one of the reasons which led Edward III to claim the French throne for himself.  In 1340 Edward III began to call himself king of England and France, a title held by every successor until it was abandoned by George III in 1800.  He also added the French arms of the fleur-de-lys to the royal arms.

Edward III描述为英国国王、爱尔兰主和Aquitaine公爵1330年马尔顿Borough特许状[cia[Rex Angl[orum]Dommus Hibernie Ducaquit]D/B3/13

Edward III描述为英国国王、爱尔兰王和Aquitaine公爵1330年马尔东Borough宪章顶线[Eduardus deiGra


Henry六大称英国王和法兰西王和爱尔兰王1454年马尔东Borough宪章(Henricus dei gracie Rex Anglie FranceDominus Hibernie)(D/B3/13/8)


英战争首场胜利是1340年6月22日Sluys海战,几乎完全摧毁法国舰队并导致英控海峡消除入侵威胁La CoggeThomasHarwich有200艘船,另有11艘船在镇法警John But命令下留作援军


百年大战启动后,Harwich港口便变得重要和繁荣。 北城仅由比哥德家族在13年中Dovercourt院落内建立线程Edward III使用它作为他与法军作战的重要基地 1338年,他授予该城延时权(建墙权 ), Edward III于1340年在Harwich首次发信签署法军国王签名. 1347年,该城提供14艘船和283名海员供1347年Calei



国家档案馆财政记录记录Essex治安官William de Vauton于1340年支付“二维使用国王海路规定 ” 。 Esssex上百人不得不向马尔东或曼宁树发送素材和食品,从那里运到Harwich



公元1340年代英法参布列塔尼战争,继承公元1342年Essex治安官需提供1,098串箭头和1,000首弦送上塔。同年10艘船从Harwich出发,5艘船从Colchester出发,4艘船从Brightlingsea出发,3艘船从Maldon编队接英国指挥官Walter de Manny爵士到Brittany

Edward于7月1346日领导一场反对法国人的土地运动。Essex再次在运动中发挥作用。县派出200弓、160弓和400包箭头,县镇需要提供武装脚兵,Colchester20架(后保留镇防)、Safdron Walden6架和Chelmsford、Braintree和Waltham神圣十字架4架。年初,治安官需再提供1,000道、24条横道、2 000板和200条空塔供水

Crecy之战,摘自Jean Froissart纪事编程照亮手稿


1346年8月26日英国射手展示长弓击败Crécy决赛的威力。 10月Essex需要再提供30射手,2月再提供200次。 克莱西后英国部队继续包围加莱,加莱一年后于1347年投降,直到1558年归英国


继这些胜利后,欧洲被黑死击败。 暴鼠遍历大陆,估计仅英格兰就有三分之一的人口死亡。


It was not until 1356 that Edward's eldest son Edward, Prince of Wales (the Black Prince) led the next major campaign in France, this time not in the north, but closer to the English lands of Aquitaine.  The second major English victory, again with the aid of the longbow, came at the Battle of Poitiers on 13 September 1356.  Among the French prisoners captured was John II, King of France.  Edward III's final invasion of France followed the battle but John II's son, the future Charles V, forced the king to negotiate the Treaty of Brétigny in 1360 which allowed the return of John II to France in return for hostages and a ransom of 3 million crowns.


Edward三世于1377年去世,继承者为10岁孙子Richard二世,黑王子之子于1376年去世。 1380年法国Charles五世去世,继承者为11岁儿子CharlesVI英国人在法国再没有土地运动,直到HenryV1413继承其父HenryIV


Henry V reasserted his hereditary claims in France and in August 1415 sailed from England to besiege the town of Harfleur.  Following the town's surrender Henry V's army met a much larger French force at the Battle of Agincourt on 25 October 1415.  Despite being heavily outnumbered, the longbow was again of great importance in the victory of the English forces.  Civil war followed in France and when Henry returned for another campaign in 1417 he was able to force concessions on the French.  In 1420 the Treaty of Troyes recognised him as the regent of France and heir to Charles VI and in that same year he married Charles' daughter Catherine de Valois.

英国Henry V和Catharinede Valois的Catherine:Jean Chartier,Chronique de Charles VII,Frence(Calais)1490和England1494前Royal20Evif.9v



亨利五世离开弟弟约翰,贝德福德公爵为法国摄政者。 1424年8月17日英国在Verne

1428年英军包围Orléans,但法军成功抵抗,受Joan of Arc启发并到别处击败英军


1451年,Harwich法院记录了法国的一次突袭,9人被杀。John Sexteyn、John Hervy、Peter Coyour和RichardSmyth在县法院被起诉。 县法院宣誓夜间忠实观察Harwich镇(villamderwych),该镇被破坏和摧毁。法院允诺进一步调查此事。

陪审员表示,John Sexteyn、John Hervy、Peter Coyour和Richard Smyth被指控并宣誓守望Harwich镇.置此默认或非当前他们不知道'因此,他们必须在下院查询并作出判决(St.巴那巴29HenryVI1451

陪审员表示,John Sexteyn、John Hervy、Peter Coyour和Richard Smyth被指控并宣誓守望Harwich镇.置此默认或非当前他们不知道'因此,他们必须在下院查询并作出判决(St.巴那巴29HenryVI1451

仅在John Sexteyn和John Norys3d前一年各人以城中守望者为招待所,当他们在监听时;


John Norys和John Sexteynced3d各人以城中守望者为招待所,当他们看望时??保护城巴那巴28HenryVI1450

可能像1456年法院卷记录显示 Adam Palmere出庭 是因为向法属敌国显示 Orwell港极隐秘之道

Adam Palmere向法属敌国展示了我们Orwell港非常隐秘的方式,安全地引导他们的船舶严重损坏该城并违反英格兰法令和规约巴那巴斯34HenryVI[1456]

Adam Palmere向法属敌国展示了我们Orwell港非常隐秘的方式,安全地引导他们的船舶严重损坏该城并违反英格兰法令和规约巴那巴斯34HenryVI[1456]


1453年7月17日Castillen战役一般被视为战争结束。 1450年代英国注意力从法国移到英国内战(玫瑰大战 ), 由HenryVI支持者代表兰开斯特里亚人和约克家族对立主张


Essex还提供人参军前往法国。 除Harwich、Colchester和Maldon水手外,县里人本会以骑士和领主参加海外探险为名参战。

牛津第七厄尔John de Vere参加Crécy和Poitiers大赛和Calais大搜捕,1360年在法国战死,牛津第11厄尔孙子Richard de Vere是Agincourt大赛指挥官

William de Bohun, Hereford第六厄尔,Essex第五厄尔和North Earl

Robert,Bourchier大王在布列塔尼和克莱西并葬在Halstead教堂。Bourchiers是HalsteadAbels和StansteadHall和Seble Hedingham和Little Easton

John de Coggeshall在Créce中参战阵亡者之一,他是John de Coggeshall爵士的长子,包括LittleCoggeshall和Essex治安官等数大园长多年

Essex在包围加来时阵亡的其他人包括William de Vauton爵士和Robert de Lacy爵士。 William deVauton爵士以牛津耳印参战,葬在TiltyAbbey和AshdonNewnham厅园长Robert deLacy爵士

骑士和登陆家庭在大土地所有者文摘中代表。 John,Henry Helyoun之子[Helions]Bumpstead于1346年在黑王子文摘中代表Black Prince鲍德温德博特图特爵士是黑王子马主和保镖成员,王室新港园主以玫瑰租金回报奖励他。 理查德瓦尔德格雷夫爵士家族管Wormingford教士在1370年代初与Earl Humphrey de Bohun并战



与历史协会Essex分支联合纪念600线程亨利五世1415对法大赛Anne Curry教授,国际知名战争专家James Ross博士,东安卓中世纪贵族学士和English Warbow学会





HA成员:历史协会Essex分支clem.moir@btinternet.com或01245 44007
