
Alina Congreve博士介绍这个令人振奋的新档案博物馆网络遍及全国各地Essex是三大新城镇的家, 都分入运动的不同阶段(Harlow、Basildon和South Woodham Ferrers),

Essex记录局为战后新城新网的牵头伙伴感到兴奋新网络集合档案馆和博物馆,收藏大量战后新城素材涉及全英格兰19个档案馆和博物馆网络的目的是成员分享新城镇档案活动知识包括分享编目良好做法与家庭青年联想与本地历史和遗产协会合作并连接 研究人员和大学新网络成员处于极不相容阶段与新城镇集合并有巨大的同侪学习潜力。 第二,网络提供时间和空间开发大规模协作融资标书网络向英国新成员开放,我们欢迎博物馆、本地历史中心及学术研究新城镇的兴趣

新城镇标志英国历史的一个重要转折点,是对城市开发的独特贡献英国新城镇与亚洲、非洲、南美正快速开发新城镇和英国正规划新城镇相关Many British new towns are facing a period of rapid change, with the developments of the post-war period being replaced with little thought given to the original intentions in their design, or architectural significance of the buildings that are removed. These post-war new towns are paradoxically popular with their long-term residents while having a poor external perception. Greater engagement with new town archives can help make connections between long-term New Town residents and recent arrivals, helping to build community and aid social integration. The archive collection of some new towns have drawn the attention of international scholars and generated books, journal articles and symposia. Others have had relatively little attention, in part due to the lack of cataloguing and also a low profile of the collections.加深理解战后新城镇对积极塑造未来可能具有宝贵价值,而通过更多访问和接触战后档案可以实现这种理解。

了解网络详情请联系Essex记录局Richard AndersonRichard.anderson@essex.gov.uk或Alina Congreve博士网络协调员alina@congrevemail.co.uk